Christmas Break Week 1
Since my break is almost five weeks long and since I’ve already done so much and since I’ve still got more to do, I’m breaking it into several parts. Here’s the first part:With finals finished and a free week in Europe, Alex, West, and I headed out on our trip across Eastern Europe. Anna was with us for the first leg as she was meeting another group of Pepperdine kids in Vienna, our first stop. We got on a train to Venice, and after a short lay-over there, we were on our way to Vienna- a 7 hour train ride. We sat in a compartment at the end of the train and met a student from Richmond studying in Vienna who told us all we wanted to know about Vienna and what to do there. We then watched several movies and were finally there- at about 9 in the evening- much later than we’d planned on getting there. We found our hostel, set the bags down and went in search of some dinner. We ended up eating from street vendors and walking across the center of the town to what we thought was the Hapsburg palace and the main sights of Vienna. We ended up only seeing several museums near the palace before heading back as it was late and we were freezing. We need to go back to Vienna sometime.

The next morning we left Anna and the three of us guys headed to Budapest. We got there a bit before mid-day and as soon as we stepped off the train, we knew we were in Eastern Europe. We had to change money and get our tickets squared away for the train that night, so after taking care of that- which took some time as all the ticketing had to be done by hand as there were no computers at the station we were ready for lunch. We got something quick and headed to the Danube and central Budapest. Getting off on the Buda side of the river, we immediately saw the Parliament building across the river in Pest. Heading away from the building, we climbed up a hill and were at the castle which is the main sight in Buda.

We looked over the fort that sits atop the hill, taking a lot of pictures as we had a view of the entire city, and then headed to the church up there. It wasn’t all that impressive looking from the outside, but the inside was great. All of it was covered in frescoes- or what looked like a cross between frescoes and wall paper. While the church as a whole didn’t seem that old in comparison to others that we’ve visited, it was pretty unique and a refreshing change from all the churches that seem to blend together. From there we headed to the castle part of the fort. We walked around the grounds and looked at the building, taking in the views and the achitecutre before heading back down the hill and across the Danube on the Queen Elizabeth bridge, one of Budapest’s main bridges.

We went to the Parliament building and looked around there as much as we could before wandering around Pest a bit. Before we knew it, it was time to start thinking about heading back to the station to catch our overnight train to Prague. We retrieved our luggage and found our compartment on the train- it was only a 3 person compartment which meant that we wouldn’t have any company which was nice. We went to bed pretty soon after the train left as we would have to get up early the next day and as we had spent the better part of the day walking around. I can’t say that I slept all that well that night as we were woken up 3 times trough out the night by various border guards as we crossed into different countries. Finally, yet only a few hours later, we were in Prague. We got into Prague really early in the morning, so getting our money changed and bags stored were more difficult than they should have been. We finally got that stuff taken care of and then headed to the ticket window. We got our tickets to Amsterdam for the following evening squared away without any trouble. Then it was off on the subway and trams to our hostel. We caught it before it opened, so we headed back to the center of the city and went to the natural history museum after getting a quick Mc Donald’s breakfast. The museum was kinda neat just because it was a change of pace from the art museums that we had grown used to. After that, we went back to the hostel to drop off our bags and relax for a bit as we didn’t get much sleep the night before. When we left the hostel again, we went to the big church near our hostel and saw the Christmas market outside it before going to a restaurant. We got a nice meal with steak, duck and all the sides we could ever want with beer for only 5euro a person. It was a great meal and fun to finally take advantage of an exchange rate after seeing the euro to dollar rate constantly get worse.

After dinner, we stumbled upon a bar named Absinth Time, so we stopped in a took a shot of the Absinth. It was weird to see them prepare it with the sugar blended in and just the whole ordeal they have to go through before it is drinkable. It was kinda bearable, for a shot that was 70% alcohol. After that we headed back to the hostel through the center of the city and the old town square with the astrological clock. It was onto bed shortly after getting back to the hostel. We let ourselves sleep in the next morning. After getting cleaned up and packed up, it was off to see the Charles bridge and Prague Castle. Both were pretty cool, and nothing like we’d expected. We had only read a bit about them in our travel books, so seeing them was pretty cool, and a bit out of the blue. The Charles bridge was neat with all the statues along it- we took pictures at the popular ones and just admired them all while walking across

Then it was up the hill to Prague Castle and the cathedral. The outside was one of the cooler ones that I’ve yet seen in a church. We walked all around the castle, once again taking in views of the city and just exploring before heading back to the river and then back to the train station to meet some others from our group who would be in Prague for the next few days.

We showed them around a bit then took them to dinner at the place we’d been the previous night for a family dinner before heading off to the station to retrieve our bags and hop on our train to Frankfurt where we would transfer to Amsterdam. We made the trains fine, and at about noon the next day, we were in Amsterdam. Following our usual routine, we stored some of our bags in the station and headed off to our hostel. After dropping the rest of the stuff off there, we headed off through the city to the Anne Frank House.

We took a long while walking through the maze of a hiding place that the Franks hid in during World War II, and as the highlight of the tour, we saw the original diary- or at least most of it as the entire thing was hundreds of loose pages that have been compiled and compressed into the book that most everyone has read at some point. It was neat to walk through and see the place where 8 people hid and lived for some time, but at the same time, it was odd for us to be walking through there and talking freely while all the house had known during their stay there was near silence. After leaving the house, we found some lunch and just walked around the city, seeing the Museumspleain and the center squares as well as the main shopping district. It was raining so we spent most of our time sheltered when possible and spent more time looking through stores than we would have otherwise, but it was still a lot of fun. For dinner, we got Chinese food and Dr. Pepper from the same place that Kelly, Myles, and I went to several weeks ago. Once again, it was great and made a nice change from everything that we had been eating.

We walked around more after dinner and stopped by several bars as it was still raining and then decided to turn in early and be ready for our trip to Arnhem the next day. We slept in and then got breakfast the next day. After that, it was off to meet Brooke and Brie at the station as they were coming in from Brussels that day. We met them, and Alex and I got our tickets to Paris and Milan for the next day. It was then that Alex realized that he would have to leave in only 6 hours so he stayed in Amsterdam while the rest of us got on the next train to Arnhem. After the hour or so train ride south that was punctuated by a transfer we were in Arnhem and we called Frank, West’s friend who came to pick us up. We rode with him to the Christmas village in Arnhem where he let us off and we wandered around for a while before heading to the ice skating rink. I’d only been ice skating like 5 times in my life prior to this, so I was a bit shaky, but I didn’t fall which was a plus. We skated for a long while, until it got dark and we started to get really cold. Then we got some hot chocolate and drank it inside while we waited for Frank to come pick us up and head to dinner.

We all went to a Portugese chicken restaurant named The Chicken Place and had frango- chicken in Portugese and fries with beer. It was a great meal and there was a ton of food. In addition to the four of us and Frank, Markus- the guy who showed us around in Munich was there, as well as Alex another person who works for Frank. Alex is Italian so I had a chance to speak a bit to him during dinner. It was a great meal and we had some great conversation in the warm fire heated restaurant. We then headed to Frank’s house and Markus came over for a while, we all caught up and heard about everything that had been going on with him since October and then went to be. We really slept in the next day, and took our time getting ready, so much so that by the time Frank came home for lunch and to take us to the station we were just ready to go. He dropped us off and we headed to get tickets. We just missed a train back to Amsterdam, so we had time to get some lunch at the station before getting the next one. We made it back to Amsterdam at about 3, so after taking West and the girls to their hostel, I only had a few hours before I needed to be back at the station to get my train to Milan. We walked around the city that West and I knew pretty well by that point. We showed the girls all the sights that we had liked from the a few days ago. We then found some food and ate before it was time for me to go off to the station. I said my good byes and got on my train to Basel and went to bed almost immediately. I only had 10 minutes in between trains in Basel, and thankfully my train was on time so I caught the connecting train to Milan without any trouble. It was kinda rough- taking an all night train and then getting on another 5 hour one. This one was through the snow covered Alps, so it was nice but still long.
This ends the first part of my break... I’ll start talking about my trip with Dad, Stephen, Mammy, and Pappy in a little bit.
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