A little history...

So, here is a little of my history in Florence. I've lived for almost a year of my life. I lived there, in the Pepperdine house in the fall of 1997, and then again in the fall and winter of 2003-2004. I don't remember a whole lot from my first trip, but while I was there last time (03-04), I picked up a lot of what I learned the first trip up very quickly and then learned a ton about Florence and the rest of Europe. It is going to be very different for me this time because both my family and the rest of the people that make Florence the great city that it is won't be there (except for Elizabeth and the other permanent Villa residents).
By the time I get back there next fall, I will have completed two years of Italian and will be pretty darn good at speaking it. I'm going to minor in the language, so hopefully I'll become fluent at some point.
I will talk more about my history in Florence and be sure to keep the memories frequent for all y'all in the 03-04 group that are going to be reading this site.
(Pictured above: 41 Viale Milton aka The Pepperdine House. The 4 lights out front welcome us home every night. Picture taken by Eryn)
D Wil,
Not sure how many of those going to Florence next year will be first-time travelers to Europe, as I was during fall of 2003. I would have found it helpful to know about the trains (getting your ticket punched before you get on), frequent transportation workers' strikes, late dinner hours at restaurants, taking your own bags to the grocery store, and the many other day-to-day things that are different from the U.S.
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